Friday 23 July 2010

A lil Update on the woes of job hunting

So after all that worrying i managed to get the application in, after calling my old employer a few times and managing to get the regional manager (who trained me) to call me on her day off and i also put down my old uni tutor without his permission in the hopes that sainsburys are better at getting through to him than i am.

I got a text last Wednesday offering me an interview :D YAY i thought to myself. Now i've had a day or two for the excitement to settle in i have realised something. The position is part-time (24 hours a week) which would ordinarily be fine, i could JUST survive on those wages each month until i can get more contracted hours, but now i have a new worry. The law for  minimum wage is different for part-time jobs apparently. So i have been told by various people when my old employer paid me £4.90/hour. Now I could survive on 24 hours a week on minimum wage, which for someone my age is £5.80/hour, but as this position is advertised as part-time i am extremely concerned that the wages will be under that... I really don't want to turn this job down though but the thing is, I am actually BETTER off on JSA even at £5.80/hour, the only reason i am happy to take that and be able to live a little uncomfortably is because of the experience the job will give me, and give me better options in the future...

I do really wonder what kind of world it is in which we live where you are actually better off not having a job!! The government wonder why they have so little money?? It's because they are spending all of their money on peoples like me's survival instead of spending the money to create more jobs so that people like me don't have to be unemployed. As for the people who live off the government and don't make an effort to try and support themselves, now they deserve to have nothing, because if they have nothing it may make them try to gain something for themselves. Gah too much worrying and thinking in my world right now >.<

Thank you for reading and wish me luck next Wednesday!! (YAY job interview 2 days before my birthday and i will find out whether i have the job the day before or on my birthday!! lucky me!! I'm either going to have a really happy birthday or a really depressed birthday because if i don't get this job i am back at square one looking at a mountain of jobs I'm just not qualified or experienced enough to do)

Goodnight :)

1 comment:

  1. you're alive!
    I missed reading about you man.
    <3 the tats, good luck on the job stuff. i hope it ends up well for you.
    I've gotten to the point where i've semiabandoned my blog. Boyfriend Dumped me, and he was reading it, so now i just feel awkward posting there.
    I'll keep reading here though!
