Thursday 8 April 2010

Love eh :)

Ok so i said i'd tell you all about me and my gf. I can't sleep due to lack of nicotine and i'm starting to feel the withdrawl so ill take my mind off it by rambling to you guys :D Well just a small note on current events, we are no longer a "couple". I won't start blaming or writing about who did what but i will do as i said and write about how things did happen :)

We first met on facebook roughly in the middle of December 2008, Kate was at her parents for Christmas having been at uni for almost 6 months and had split up with her previous boyfriend 8months ago. Anywho, we met on a facebook app called speed date, i only went on it because i was bored and was just flicking through profiles thinking how bored i was when i almost stumbled past Kates profile, infact i did skip past it for a second and almost carried on but i did catch a glimpse of her profile pic as i was going past. She was wearing an amazing rainbow colored hat that caught my eye and i just had to head back to look more. I spent a good 10 minutes reading her profile and i remember thinking at the time how strange it was that we had SOO many things in common, i sent her a message and left it at that. A day or so later i was just doing "the usual" rounds checking emails etc when i noticed i had an email from speed date telling me "amberspider" had sent me a message, my heart skipped a beat. I logged onto facebook as quick as i could and so it was that me and Kate started talking :)

We spoke everyday bar 1 for 4 weeks and it was getting to that inevitable point 2 people who have so much in common get to where you just "HAVE" to meet and see if this person is too good to be true or not. So we spent a week or two deciding how we would do it and whether i should sleep over or not (The journey from my place to hers took about an hour and a half) etc and on the 17th January 2009 we finally met. I left as on time as i could that day so that i wouldn't catch kate by surprise and was so excited for the entire journey! When i got to leyton station i waited outside like we had agreed (so i didnt get lost trying to find her flat) i smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes nervously and tried to wait patiently for her to arrive. I kept thinking, maybe she lost her nerve at the last minute or maybe she was just messing with me, but just as i was kicking myself for thinking that i saw the rainbow hat above the crowd. We met and had that kind of nervous hug you have where you already feel close to the other person but have never been close physically before. We walked to her flat and she made me a cup of tea and i met her flatmate who was ill at the time and her kitty which i think i will always insist had the most likable personality of any cat i have ever met before :)

After that first day things just fell into place. From that day to now we have only spent 9 or so nights apart. Increasingly it turnt out though that we weren't as compatible as we originally thought, but i said i wouldn't get into that and it would be mean to in public so i will leave you with this.

You don't ever truly know what kind of person your partner is going to be until you risk it all, your heart, your life, your sanity, your trust.

Sorry for rambling again :) Once i get going i can't stop >.< xxx

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Those things that we love and hate

So today we ran out of milk, chocolate, cigarettes, pretty much all of our vices. It's made me think just how people always do things that they know are bad for them but still enjoy doing it. I could possibly go without cigarettes and give up, but the second i can afford them i can't help myself buying more.

  It makes me laugh and sigh inside when i think about how much people rely on vices to get through every day life. Society has evolved into this big machine where everyone has their place which they have to conform to. Even if someone works two jobs and runs themselves into the ground its just seen as something that we have to do. We must work 9-5 and do our bit for society. I know we as a race would never have got this far if we didn't work together and all do our part, but ow we have evolved to the stage where there are too many people and not enough jobs to go around, soon there wont be enough fuel and food to satisfy our modern lifestyles that we take for granted. I don't know if im the only person that only sees doom in our future. I love watching these programs that show where modern technology is at and where it is leading etc, free energy and ways of expanding our health and the way we live. There is a drug apparently being developed which can increase your brains capacity to retain information, therefore combating the effects of alzheimers, ways of increasing crop capacity. Instead of using acres of flat farms for crops, building towers and having each floor for crop raising thus expanding the amount of space for farming. 
When I see all of these ideas it gives me hope but then i think, we are all now used to our lifestyles and we are destroying our childrens future by not changing the way we think. People come up with amazing life changing ideas but then things never change no-one ever changes. When we first found out we were damaging our atmosphere, what did we do? Reduce the amount of CFC's we put out. Now we have found out that we are severely increasing natural disasters and what do we do? Come up with hundreds of planet saving ideas that are all "Not financially viable" because they involve "free" energy so companies can't make money off. 

Whilst i am on the subject of global warming i really want to say this! People are always talking how the planet is heating up and how we have done this to our planet, when in actual fact what is happening at the moment (bar holes in our atmosphere which we HAVE created) are all natural processes! Our planet has done this a thousand times before we even existed. Volcanoes and other natural life put out carbon dioxide and eventually put out more carbon dioxide than trees can handle. The warming process melts the ice caps, which in turn reduces the salinity in the oceans which in turn stops the process in the atlantic ocean which brings warmth up from the equator and takes cool water back. After this has happened the planet stalls. The equator gets hotter and the northern and southern hemispheres freeze over. It just annoys me when governments and tv shows always neglect to point that out.

Anywho i guess i've rambled on enough for today :) Thank you for reading :)

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Good morning

This is weird. I hate it when i go to sleep so late that i wake up at 3 in the afternoon :( Spent most of the night "talking" with my girlfriend as we are in a huge rough patch at the moment but that is all i will say, you all don't want to sit reading about our arguments and troubles eh!

I've never been very good at deciding what i want to do with my life other than "be a scientist" at 8 years old. Nowdays everytime i try to imagine myself in a career i just want to tear my head off! I know "society" expects me to, but i don't wanna! lol I want to enjoy my life, whether thats spending a whole year on just my partner or living on a boat for a few year. I want to travel across america visiting as many place as possible. I want to do some photography in Prague, learn how to sail a Yacht, visit Australia and go hiking through the outback. Even if in my life i only get the oppurtunity to do one of those i will be happy, so when society tells you that somebody who doesn't have a job for as long as me remember, we all have dreams and maybe those dreams involve spending as much time enjoying your partners company as much as possible :)

Next time i'll try and post a small bite about either my tattoos and they stories/designs behind them or my preference over certain games :) 

Thanks for readin ~crimson~

4:35am musings

Well hello everyone! :)

If you have made it to my little corner of the internet i'd just like to say thank you for reading and i hope i don't bore you too much :)

I guess i should start with a little about my life then move onto what i want my blog to be about/like :D

At the moment i am living in Kent with my partner but i originally lived in a little town called Hemel Hempstead, which, with all things considered isn't the worst place to live! We have 2 Gorgeous Cats, Sid (for Obsidian) and Ems (for Emerald) who are both almost 1 year old now.

I live a relatively quiet life, i prefer nights in to going out and would choose staying in with friends over going to the pub with friends *most* of the time. A usual night in consists of, good food, a good movie, a lil bit of music and good company :)

Onto the blog bit. I want my blog to just be a daily (i will try my hardest) blog on my musings about various things. Its not an original idea but my partner also has a blog and seeing her reading other peoples blogs made me think that it might be relaxing to just let out my thoughts once a day so here i am :)

Thank you for reading and i hope you stay tuned :P xx